Pasture Establishment


The decision on how the soil is prepared and the amount of pasture ground to be prepared
for seeding can be determined through the Pasture Assessment process. In some cases,
the complete turning of the current soil and sod base by plowing maybe recommended,
while in other cases, selective tillage to specific areas and regions of the pasture.

Turning the soil is a major commitment of time, and requires the use of a power harrow
to prepare a smooth, level seed bed. Soil tillage is usually the second choice for
pasture establishment but, must be utilized in some cases.

Seedbed Preparation

One of the most important aspects of successfully establishing a productive pasture after
one seeding is the seedbed preparation. The soil must be loosened to permit the
plant roots establish a strong, bond to supply their nutritional needs.

The choices of how the soil is prepared for seeding should be a mutual decision
between the farm management and the experts from PasturePlus+.
Some of the factors are:
the time of year, amount of soil moisture,
the scheduled need for the pasture usage,
and the budget.

"Let the Experts Do It"

Contact: For Services & Estimates
Wayne G. Hipsley, BSc, MSc
Lexington, Kentucky
859-621-6995 Phone